Erotic Fairy Chimney Pot
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Several years ago, I realized when the smoke started coming into my living room as I lit a fire, that something was wrong with the chimney. I took a visit to the roof and discovered that one of the large chunks of brick from a top corner of the chimney had been blown into the chimney. Now, this is never a good thing, and it implied that the chimney needed what they call a "roof up rebuild". Thats where you take the chimney down to the roof line, clean all the bricks, and put it back together again. So, I dutifully took the chimney top apart, and started to look for someone to put it back together again. Now, in the process if interviewing people, I asked one of them if he could get a decorative cap to put on the top, and he told me that the local suppliers never had any in despite requests and that I ought to look online. (shame on Mutual Materials)
So, This is the initial chimney pot I went off to look for:
So, I started looking for "Chimney Pot" online, and found only one real maker of them in the US, and then I came across this stunning site
in England., and he not only made decorative chimney
pots, but he had dragons landing on them. Now, I like the idea of making art that goes with a house.
So I spent some time thinking about what kind of creature I'd want to have landing on my chimney, and it occurred to me that a fairy would be optimum.
And, now, the way I think about it, fairies are forest creatures, and so they run around naked, and they are pure in spirit so they are
innately sexual creatures. So, if a fairy were to have perched on my roof, she would probably be touching herself.
Later this touching morphed into the idea of her staring at the tree sculptures I am also planning.
I'll also talk about the free speech aspects of this project that appealed to me at the bottom of this page.
So, I pitched this idea to Marek, and he thought that it was a wonderful idea that would test his skill as a sculptor and give him something new to do that he had never done.
Now, the process of creating art is one of being careful to specify your vision and then let the artist execute it to the best of thier ability and to let them include thier vision as well.
In my case, I had a pretty firm grasp on some parameters of the fairy, like how I wanted her posed, and some other things, so I went off,
and found a model to let me take pictures of her so that Marek could have them to work from.
I'd like to point out that just doing the photo shoot was a lot of work. I had to get a wig, the wings, the column that represents the chimney pot,
a hair and makeup person, a model, a photographer, and a location that was ok with me shooting there. Each one of these things took some time.
This is the page that I created that he used as his source material" to work from.
By the way, you will notice not just artistic information, but also some structural information that my architect insisted that I include.
As Marek started in, the first thing he sent me was a drawing done by a friend of his as a responce to my page to show me what he had gotten from the page.
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