The Chimney Project
John Schlick
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These are pictures to help define what the chimney is going to look like when it's done.
(Note: If you click on the link below each pic, it will become full size! VERY LARGE so you can see the details.)
Almost all of the pictures have some detail thats RIGHT ON, and some details that aren't what they ought to be.
I'll try to have a running dialogue in the captions as to what is WRONG with the pictures,
since so much is right.

The Story
This fairy has landed on my chimney.
Her hand is grasping the top outcropping, and her foot has alighted at the top of the bottom "dog collar".
I see fairies as very natural creatures (hence no clothes) with a lot of forest sensual and sexual energy.
This fairy has looked down into my front yard and seen an amazing naked minotar that is well endowed, and it's REALLY turned her on.
This is shown by her expression - and secondarily by the hand in her crotch.
I've made an attempt to select a model that has fairy features, who is petite, and who LOOKS like she could fly.
The wings are a GREAT shape, but I know they won't be translucemt on the chimney.
As far as colouring, I'd like the chimney to be the white you use. Did you call it BUFF?
I'd like for her body to be flesh toned, and maybe a darker flesh tone for her lips and nipples.
My housemates and I went back and forth between red and blonde hair. Blonde hair is the winner.
I'd like for her wings, and fingernails and toenails and eyes to be blue.
any design that you'd like in the wings would be awesome.
As far as scale... The pipe is about 18", so it's actually the size the chimney will be.
The fairy model is about 5" tall, and I expect that with her foot landed at the top of the first dog collar,
that she will have to be scaled to where her body is about 3 feet tall.
Naturally anything you can do to portray her being a light airy creature in the sculpture is a good thing.
One other note: The original resolution of these photos is 2000 x 3000 so you can blow them up quite large to use as a model reference.
and, if you digitally lighten the images, you will be able to see more information in the dark places.

This is what the body of the Chimney should look like.
YES. It's art stolen from your own website and twisted around a bit.
Note that the base has been modified to look a bit more like it will where it meets my chimney.

This drawing shows the placement of the fairy on the chimney.
It was done by my mom.
Please ignore all of this drawing except for her hand and the foot thats landed on the chimney.
Since I have no closeups... her inside foot landing on the ridge at the top of the bottom "dog collar", and her foot is sideways to the pipe, and the indent on the outside of her foot is whats resting right against the chimney.
But, this does lead us to the overall Orientation when it's placed.
The existing chimney is 26" X 20" outside dimentsion.
I'd like the Octagon Chimeny Pot base to be 24" x 18" Outside dimensions.
The 26" Dimension of my chimney is in the East - West direction.
The BODY of the fairy is on the EAST side of the chimney Pot.
Her gaze is to the SouthWest and slightly down (maybe 15 degrees below horizontal).
and naturally she is looking across the southern edge of the Chimney Pot as she gazes to the Southwest.
These orientations are fairly important.

Seattle is in a Seismic Zone.
My architect has told me that I'm required to dowel (via #3 (3/8") rebar) the base to the chimney, as well as the base to the top.
This means that I need 8 1/2" or 5/8" holes between 4" and 6" deep in the base on the bottom, that I'll put steel rods into with epoxy.
I also need 8 holes between the base and the top at the break for the same purpose (again between 4" and 6" deep on each side - longer is better).
AND, I need 4 grooves that I'll set a long rebar into and coat with mortar that run the full length from the bottom to within 3" of the top of the Chimney.
We drew the break where the base meets the top as a slip fitting, how the real break is done is up to you.

An inside look at the grooves.
Needless to say, these grooves will have to come in with the changes in the base - I'll bend the rebar to make that work.
This will allow for the entire length of the chimney pot to be re-inforced which is required here.
We will also need some kind of steel pins for the outside wing thats going to get attached here onsite. Though they won't need to be as large.
he also talked about seeing if it was possible to put a groove RING a little deeper at a few places so that we can tie the 4 upright rebars together.
but not knowing the wall thickness of the chimney pot, I don't know if thats feasable.
If you have a better idea, please let me see a drawing for my architect to review.

A Rain Cap.
Eric (My Architect) also said that it ought to have a Rain Cap (A seperate peice that sits on the top to prevent the rain from getting in.
In my case, there is no flue liner, so we want to protect the interior mortar as best we can.
He gave me this pic that I think he stole from online somewhere.
only, I would prefer it to be rounded so that it matches the rounded style of the chimney.

This is sort of the primary view of the Fairy.

AAA Fairy 45 Top Front 1.jpg
Except the expression on her face is wrong, see the facial closeup.
Her breast closest to the pipe appears to be a bit "squished"
and her head is just a bit too far from the chimney.
The direction she is looking - ACROSS the chimney - is perfect.

This is the close up of her facial expression.

AAA Fairy Facial.jpg
In this image, her inside breast is TOTALLY squished.
Her head is too far from the chimney.
She doesn't appear to be leaning her body far enough forward.
But... Her expression is GREAT!
it's very much an excited OH of suprise and arousal.
And, her gaze is just a bit to horizontal, she needs to look down a tad more.

This is a secondary image of her facial expression.

BBB Fairy Facial.jpg
Again, head too far from the chimney.
and her gaze needs to be a bit more down to the yard.

Now, this image is the next best refence that I have for everything being perfect.

AAA Side View Lit.jpg
The big problem here is that her inside foot is too far from the chimney.
But, her posture looks like she has just landed. So that slight leaning forward is what I'm looking for.
Obviously her outstreched foot is in the wrong position cause it's taking weight,
and her facial expression doesn't have her mouth open.

So, let me give you a close up of what her foot ought to look like...

AAA Fairy Foot In Air Close Up.jpg
The Toenails get painted Blue on the one on the chimney.

Here is a link to another view of the foot.

AAA Fairy Air Leg Close Up.jpg
And again, no comments from the peanut Gallery.

This link is to a back shot of the leg.

AAA Fairy Top Back Leg Close Up.jpg
The toes are obviously taking weight here, so don't use them.
This is intended as a body reference shot.

This is taken to show how the wing hits the chimney.

AAA Fairy Back Pole side.jpg
Note... I think fairies would have some of thier hair between thier wings as well as in front, and behind thier shoulders.
BUT... The hair shouldn't bulge where the elastic is...
again, don't use the toes of the foot thats in the air.
and.. you can see that her chimney leg isn't quite close enough.
Please IGNORE the antennae on the wings.
And that shadow of the wing on her chimney leg makes it hard to see, but it's still a good wing reference.

This is a picture of the fairy taken from the other side of hte chimney.

AAA Fairy Behind Pole.jpg
This shot may not reveal that much, but her gaze is in a great direction (somewhat below the horizontal).
Her crotch hand appears to not have quite the right angle to it.
Her facial expression isn't mouth open.

A shot from the back at about 45 degrees.

AAA Fairy top Back Pole 45.jpg
Again, ignore the antanne.
Again, ignore the bump in the hair where the elastic is.
Note: When the wings are somewhat symetrical to her buttocks, it seems to look best.

A shot from directly behind the fiary.

AAA Fairy top Back.jpg
No Bump in the hair from the elastic.
Toes straight for the leg in the air.
Sorry this is the best shot of her behind. The bottom isa bit washed out when we adjust the contrast of the image.

A refernce shot from up high in the front.

AAA Fairy top Front Body.jpg
Her gaze is a little high.
Her head is a bit far from the pole.
her inside breast is a bit squished.
her "air" foor toes are bent.
and her mouth is closed instead of open.
and her inside foot is nowhere near enough to the pole in this picture.
but overall, it's a good reference shot.

A fuller body shot from the front.

AAA Fairy top Front.jpg
Gaze across the chimney is good. but a tad high.
her head may be a tad too close to the pole.
her arm and outside elbow may need to go OUT some to really look like she is playing with herself.
her inside breast is a tad squished.

A side view from the top.

AAA Fairy Top Side.jpg
Gaze direction is good, but too high.
Outside foot seems to be the wrong posture from this angle.
Inside foot appears to be too far from the chimney.
her elbow posture is good.

Another side view to fill in the 360 circle.

AAA Fairy Side Slightly Back.jpg
Her mouth isn't open.
while her body is leaning forward... from this angle her leg doesn't seem accentuated back far enough.
her gaze doesn't seem to be across the chimney from here.
I LOVE that you can see the hair in front of her wings and behind her shoulders as well as falling in front of her body.

A close up from the front.

AAA Fairy top Front Body Close.jpg
Her inside breast looks like it's squished.
but, it's a GREAT shot of the hair interplaying with her breasts.
the outer breast could look just a tad fuller.

A side close up of her body.

AAA Fairy top Front Breasts.jpg
Her head appears to be too far from the chimney.
Her inside breast is STILL a little squished.
Her mouth isn't open.
But again, it's a great view of the hair interacting with her breasts.

A more to the back side view of the body.

AAA Fairy Body.jpg
Her outside elbow could hold a bit more tension and be out from her body more.
Her inside breast still looks squished.
It's a very good form study picture for you to work from.

A Front Lower Close Up of the breasts.

AAA Fairy Breasts.jpg
At last, one where her inside breast is almost not squished.
But, her posture makes her look like she is leaning OUT from the chimney.
If the elevation of the two breasts were reversed this wouldn't be the case.

A side close up of the crotch hand.

AAA Fairy Crotch Hand side.jpg
Note: There is tension in the fingers - a real energy as she toucher herself.
Oh, the ring can go away. I'm thinking no jewelery.
I like the splayed look of the fingers wrapping her leg a bit for steadying the hand.

A front on close up of the crotch hand.

AAA Fairy Crotch Hand.jpg
Again, No Ring.
Again, I like the splayed fingers steadying the hand.
and, YES, the index finger IS inserted.
Blue fingernails.
As far as pubic hair, if you want some thats short and blonde to match the hair on her head thats ok.
I'm more a fan of no pubic hair, and the Venus De Milo had none that I remember.

Lastly, and for no good reason, This is ME at the photo shoot.

John At Fairy Shoot.jpg

Also for no good reason, here are two of Jenna
The photographer that took these pics, also at the shoot.

Jenna Fairy 1.jpg

Jenna Fairy 2.jpg

By the way...
I had a lot of fun putting this little montage together.
I realize that it's probably overkill, I started by saying. OK, I can't draw. I'll get a model and have her pose in the position thats in my head.
but I once we started to snap pictures, I just ended up with a LOT of them to use...
I expect that people will ask me how it was made, and I'd like to refer them here, and I'll add anything you send me to this page with a link to your site at the bottom.
I'm really looking forward to seeing your drawings (unless this is detailed enough that it makes them not necessary),
and the snapshots of it getting made.
And lastly? If theres anything I've forgotten? Just let me know.
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