John Schlick
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There are only a few pictures to document things,
but I thought that I should create a list of things that I've managed to accomplish, and a few random tidbits about me.
I should probably note that I am NOT any of the OTHER John Schlicks that I have seen online.
One is a professional golfer.
One scammed someone out of about $100,000
One played a Klingon in Star Trek V The Voyage Home.
One owns a cool cycle shop back east somewhere.
and the last one appears to be a retired Veteran.
I am the John Schlick that lives in Seattle (when not on tour) and does (or did) all of the following things:
All the rest of this is things that I DO, so let me start with a few things I don't do.
I don't Drink.
I don't Smoke
and I don't Do Drugs.
I also don't gamble (well, unless it's with a girl and the stakes are such that even when someone loses, we both win).
I built a climbing wall in my house.

Looking up at the door at the top of the stairs.
Looking at the ceiling from the top of the steps.

And this is where I spelled my daughters name in the wall.
Thats right, a REAL climbing wall. One of maybe 4 privately owned ones in the Seattle area.
I own a few rentals properties. I have done extensive remodeling on them. This is the remodeled kitchen of one of them.

And, if you think this looks nice, you should see the bathroom: A Whirlpool tub set in granite surrounds next to a bay window, a mermaid is waterjet cut into the heated granite floor, and there is a pedestal sink and a corner toilet.
Speaking of remodeling, When I moved my house (Yes, thats right, I moved it to it's current location.)
I added art into the concrete in the basement walls that I built.
There are a number of these footprints walking around the walls (some are even different sizes) as well as some other inset art images.
Oh, and One of my rentals happens to have the tallest female Monkey Puzzle Tree in Seattle on the property.
I drive a 4 door 4WD Turbo Deisel Ford F-350 with duallies, and the bed dumps. It's a monster truck, and I really use it like a truck.
I have a degree in Computer Science. At one time, I ran the largest VaxCluster on the planet.
The wallpaper on this page is an homage to my respect for the engineering and software development skills of Digital Equipment Corporation.
They were making REAL operating systems when other companies were still swapping floppies or punching cards.
I also spent 5 years working for King County Police running thier computers.
as a side note: if you ask me how I know that cops lie, it's because I have overheard them talking about lying under oath to see to it that someone got convicted, cause they "KNEW" he was guilty. Needless to say, I no longer work there.
Thinking about community service type things: I spent 4 years as a CTTAB member. This is the Citizens Telecommunication and Technology Advisory board.
Basically it's a city level advisory board (for the city of Seattle) that is made up of technology professionals that are all SMART. They are supposed to advise the city (the Mayor and City Council) on matters of where Technology meets public good. In reality, it's a rubber stamp engine for technology beaurocrats that have a fairly inadequate vision of what the city ought to be doing.
Mike Weissman and I both bumped heads with these people all the time. It can be VERY VERY hard to make a difference.
I HAVE made a difference. I got the initial "Net Metering" bill passed here in Washington State. This is a bill that makes it a lot cheaper to install solar or wind power generation equipment on your house.
if you ask me, I can explain it, but there is a lot of literature about it online. I take credit for this bill, as it was ME that sat down with Rep. Eric Poulsen and convinced him that there were solid measures that would benefit people and not cost too much that he ought to look into introducing as legislation. since then, he has championed other solid renewable measures (and no I wasn't a part of them)
Every guy ought to have an "
Art Nude" of themselves. PLEASE DO NOT click this if you plan on being offended.
Please note that there is an easter egg on that page if you look closely.
You probably got here thru the website. But if not, you should know that I am a Lighting Designer for bands.
Several fun facts that are NOT on the Lighting portion of the website are that I am
IN the "Poison" "Talk Dirty To Me" video, as well as the "KISS" "Crazy Nights" video.
Not in any special capacity, but I CAN be identified if you look closely.
I am a HUGE supporter of Free Speech.
To this end, I have put my money where my mouth is, and created art for public display on my property that is erotic but not pornographic in nature. It is my feverent hope that this art will stir public debate on issues of corporate censorship,
and how our society has become obsessed with violence instead of things that are FAR more positive.
Two projects presently underway are the creation of an
"Erotic Chimney Pot" and the carving of the tree stumps in my yard into erotic fantasy nudes (think Boris Vallejo inspired). One of the members of the collection is a Minotaur.
Since you can't see pictures of the Minotaur, I've created a game called
Minotaur for you to play while we wait for the pictures.
I have also installed a red signboard in one of the windows, and I am accepting public input for it's "show". Go
HERE for more information on it.
I've done some writing. I have a number of articles that have been published on musicdish, and those are on the
articles page of this site.
I've also done some articles for This is a website devoted to informational articles about dating, romance, love and relationships in all thier forms, including open or alternative relationships. Hey, feel free to join and comment on the articles, or even upload your own.
And lastly, I've written some
scripts. One of them (Our City) was produced by The Little Red Studio here in town, and it was a hit. Most of these scripts highlight some level of conversation about relationships in areas that I think we, as a society, don't talk about enough.
I have donated money to Crazy horse Mountain.
One year I donated enough that they decided that I needed a private tour of the mountain
given by the head blaster himself. Sure it was in February, and not the tourist season, but this is me with him on top of the mountain.
By the way, if you don't know about Crazy Horse Mountain, it's a monument of Chief Crazy Horse, being carved as you read this in 3 dimensions in the
black hills of South Dakota, and at 600 feet tall, it will be larger than the grand pyramid at Cheops, and it will be as tall as the Space Needle in Seattle.
I have a daughter that I am VERY proud of. These are older pictures of her (when she was, obviously, younger) so she won't DIE of embarassment that I have included them here.
I have actually been quoted!!
This quote is actually something that I wrote a number of years ago in a post, and someone liked it so much that
they attributed it to me, and they used it as a quote in thier signature for a number of years. I was so flattered that I HAD to include it here.
"There are 100 people out there in the world who think that science is magic for every one of us that happens to know how a toaster works."
- John Schlick
A former housemate of mine liked to play dressup for photographers, and she especially liked being in
goth bondage and fetish shots.
Here are a couple that I got asked to be in.
PLEASE DO NOT CLICK ON THIS LINK if you plan on being offended.
Also, please note that this is NOT what I do for fun erotically. I got asked to be in the photo shoot at my house, and it looked like fun so I played along.
I have 13 jumps skydiving.
I have a Nauii scuba diving certificate.
I once went to Austrailia on an Internet date, and I got to climb the Sydney Harbor Bridge. Here is a picture of me and my date at the base before the climb.
I have a full woodworking shop in the basement of my home. It's not very functional at present, but it's got some VERY impressive tools in it.
I used it to build what has been called "The Ultimate Wood Block Set"
Since the last picture was of a bridge... This is a picture of a bridge that I built with a former Girlfriend using that set.
Note: This bridge stands about 4 feet tall from floot to the top of the arch.
I am presently trying to push for legislation around self driving cars (to make the adoption of the technology go faster once they become available very soon now.)
This is a white paper that I wrote and sent to Judy Clibborn (head of the Washington State Legislature Transportation comittee, as well as to the lead of MADD.
Unfortunately, MADD doesn't see that there is a win/win solution to thier problem, and they would rather press for legislation adding technology to cars that take the ability to drive away from drunks.
For a number of years I was an active member of the National Space Society. I produced a TV show for them based on the speakers a tthier monthly meetings. I've also given lectures on space. One time I even got to give a lecture to a MENSA group.
Space Tourism may be closer than you think.
I've got a book written on the business end of taking a band out on tour. If anyone knows a good publisher, I'd be happy to talk to them.
I've spoken publicly on how open relationships can work, and I'd love to do a radio talk show with that as a focal point. Know anyone that wants to create havoc in radio?
As a side note: Yes I do think that open relationships work well as long as there is good communication.
This is the story of the stool below.

When I was 7 years old, I lived on the beach on Vashon Island, and it washed up. It was painted white, and it was in bad shape and falling apart.
I salvaged it (hey, when you are 7, finding things on the beach is cool right?) and I took it apart, and over the next chunk of time, I sanded every part by hand,
and then I glued it back together, and then with surplus stain I found in the garage, I stained it. Then, several months later,
I gave it as a gift to my dads mother - Grandma Irene. she actually used it a lot, and loved it. So much so that many years later, when she died,
she left it to me in her will. Recently I was reflecting on this strange turn of events, but it occurred to me, that this is the first woodworking project I ever did.
and... I'm lucky enough to still have it, and it turns out to be a nice enough project that I'm actually proud of it.
Lastly, I present two images that seem to stick around on my computer. Neither are real.
First is an image that I imagine is close to what people remember me as - from when I was a kid. (I was highly energetic!)
and lastly, this is an image that represents a pretty awesome woman. I know that no woman can measure up to this, but it's fun to tease people with it.
So, thats a bunch of information about me. It's not everything by any stretch of the imagination. but it's a good start.
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